We had a Haubert Family trip to DisneyWorld this year!!! It was incredible! We went with Ted's parents, his sister's Lisa & Jenny & their families. Monday we went to the Animal Kingdom. Tuesday the MGM. Wednesday & Thursday the Magic Kingdom. We traveled home Friday afternoon. Between all the parks we were able to swim & eat at some great restaurants. We had a meal plan and each meal came with a dessert plus you could pick a snack of your choice each day (we usually picked an ice cream treat.) We sure took advantage of that meal plan, but now we are paying for it in the extra weight gain category!:) It was absolutely worth it!

Grandma, Grandpa & all of their grandchildren.
Grandma & Brayden, Grandpa & Samantha, Hunter, Ian, Callie, Jackson, Alex and Lindsay.
Our last day we had breakfast at the Ohana, a restaurant at the Polynesian Resort. It was pretty neat & the boys were able to dance & chat with Mickey, Pluto, Lilo & Stitch!

Jackson just loves his grandpa, here he is snugglin' up!

It was hot & humid. We took every opportunity we had to cool off!

The boys on the teacups in the Magic Kingdom.

Jackson & Callie, quite the pair these two. Callie is adorable!

Ian & I went on the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster a couple of times, it really did rock.

These two pictures did not turn out so hot, they are two of the boys favorites. We did have a photo pass, so an actual photographer took our picture, I'll have to go online & see how they turned out!

It really does just down pour in Florida, whenever it feels like it!

We ate breakfast with characters from playhouse disney! The boys loved seeing the Little Einsteins. Jackson kept giving June a hug, he wouldn't leave that poor girl alone,and he held her hand as they danced the bear cha-cha-cha around the restaurant! It was pretty cute.

Lindsay & Callie watching the birdshow in the Animal Kingdom!

Waiting a couple of hours in the Tampa Florida airport, then a couple of more because our plane was delayed due to lightning-awesome.