Jackson enjoys turning off the t.v. while his brother is watching Little Einsteins. When asked, "Jackson, do you need to sit in the corner?" He will reply, "Yesh." (and by the way-on Little Einsteins- one episode Hunter corrected me-I said, "Look at Quincy play the tuba!" He replied, "It's a french horn." I watched Care Bears as a child, they did not teach you about french horns-rough crowd sometimes.
"We have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change the past; we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can change is our attitudes. Life is 10% what happens to me 90% how I react to it. We are in charge of our attitudes. -Charles Swindoll
They're so going to be best buds forever.
Don't you love it when your kids correct you? And I loved the Care Bears! Hey, they did teach about Caring right? (:
Ha! Ha! He totally showed you up! Way to go, Hunter. (Isn't the French Horn the twisty one? Help me out here, bud.)
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