Monday, July 27, 2009

Brayden's Blessing

Brayden was blessed on July 5th, he was 4 weeks old. The pictures did not turn out so I took more today, he is almost 8 weeks. All of these pictures are not too hot, and most are blurry, but this will have to do for now:)

4 weeks old

8 weeks old - He is so serious. This is the look I get when I sing to him. I know I'm not the best singer, but he could at least humor me a little!


Aubrey said...

What a handsome little guy! I wish that we could have been there for the blessing! I can't believe how much Braydon looks like Jackson! They are identical! Very cute pics.

Cyndy and George said...

How sweet! I am so sorry we missed his blessing day. Stupid holiday weekends anyway! I can't believe how much he looks like Jackson. I hope he takes after Jackson's personality too. So cute!

Marcus and Jenny said...

HA! That serious face is so cute! Can't wait to see you guys