Sunday, December 16, 2007

30 years old!!!

This little birthday ensemble was carved out of blueberry pancakes from my very thoughtful & creative husband. I LOVE these flowers!!! Friends over to celebrate, we had grilled chicken & shrimp for dinner & chocolate birthday cake-of course!
Saturday, the day before my birthday we drove up to Fresno to attend the Temple and.....
eat at Macaroni Grill and....
See the Christmas decorations & shops at the RiverPark
Life is good.


Schauers Hours said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!!!! Looks like a fun celebration!

Cami said...

Happy Birthday! Hooray! But that means I'm not far behind . . .

Mindy said...

I'm glad you had a fun birthday, it was good to talk to you! I still can't believe your 30, that means I'm not that far away! scary!

Carolyn said...

What a great day for you...and we were worried about turning thirty! Looks pretty wonderful to me!