Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Boys

Jackson can get around pretty fast. I found him just looking out the window.He has his two bottom teeth & of course is still teething & has to put his mouth on everything. You can't really tell but he's knawing on this-yummy.
It used to take some work to get him down for a nap, happy to see he's figured it out on his own:)

This little guy loves to wrestle with our dog & is not even phased by the scratches--look at his stomach--ouch!


Amber said...

Jackson is such a cutie, I just want to pinch his chubby little cheeks, do your boys play well together? I'm getting excited for another little boy around here....

Mindy said...

I am in ahh.. at how big Jackson is and I still haven't seen him (in person that is). What is wrong with us? Thats good that Hunter doesn't get bothered by the dog scratching him. If Chloe (our dog) even touches Ari she about has a heart attack, it is so annoying! And Ava just tourtures the poor dog! What a sad life Chloe has.

Holly said...

Peggy, I can't believe how much Jackson looks like you! He so cute. Mr. Smiles.

Cami said...

Ow, those scratches look painful! I am always finding huge bruises and scratches on my boys and have no idea where they came from. I guess that's how little boys are.