Monday, February 8, 2010

If you were to ask...

If you were to ask Ted & I if we say the word "stupid" we would probably say, "No, not usually." But we've come to find out, with the help of our two little boys that we say "stupid" more than we would ever have imagined. Yesterday in the car, Ted was telling me something, to which my reply was, "Well, that is stupid." And you hear a little voice from the back say, "WE DON'T SAY STUPID MOM." Later that evening Ted must have said something was "stupid", because yet again we hear, "WE DON'T SAY STUPID DAD." So round and round we go, and I am quite suprised that I DO say stupid! So we really do have to check ourselves.

Lately Hunter's thing is to quote movies & he is quite good at it. He may be our little drama king. This is what he has been quoting lately...

"Look, I'm Picasso!"
"You uncultured swine, what are you lookin' at ya hockey puck!"
(Why do they have to pick up on all the negative, sarcastic quotes?)

"You can't fly."
"CAN! I can fly around this room with my eyes closed."
"Alright then Mr. Space Ranger, prove it."
"Alright, I will..To infinity and beyond...."
(This goes on & on..Hunter & Jackson take turns being Buzz & Woody, and they are both wearing their Buzz costumes)

(This quote is from "Return to Never Land")
"A good Captain always goes down with the ship"


Becky said...

Ah, don't you love the mind of a 4 year old! They always catch you at what you don't realize you are doing! At least you know that they are paying attention to what you are trying to teach them! (:

Cami said...

Yeah, I gave up trying not to say stupid. (Although, I think I substitute it for "lame" most of the time), and now I just tell the kids they can't apply it to a person. I don't care if they say the mud on their shoes is stupid! It is!!

Michelle Wilkes said...

Ya, we have our list too. I think the kids took it too far. Shakayla wouldn't read the word "succor" when we were reading the scriptures. They get in trouble if they say "suck"
How stupid is that?
Oh, woops, sorry!