Monday, March 7, 2011

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Please hold your applause. Today marks the day in which we are all dressed, hair combed & teeth brushed. You will not see any lamb or heart slippers on my feet. I am not wearing my pink snowflake pajama pants, nor my red heart fleece pants. Jackson is not wearing his spiderman slippers, buzz lightyear pajama top with monster pajama bottoms, nor his swimsuit which he has been sporting lately. Hunter is not in his rocket pajamas & Brayden is clean & healthy! We have been sick(as with everyone else)and in the house for the past 3 weeks. Each child was kind enough to pick their own week. Hunter was first, Jackson next with 102.6 fever & cough, Brayden was last and it broke my heart to watch him throw up. Tomorrow we may keep on our fuzzy slippers & warm fleece pajama pants, but not today!:)


Amber said...

Glad you're all feeling better! Sick babies are the worst!

Heidi Best said...

So then THAT is why you weren't shocked for my entire family to show up at your house at 5:30pm in our PJ's!!! :)

Janeece said...

I'm glad you are feeling better! I was wondering if you were not fun being sick and it's much worst with sick kids so I've heard. But now, happy days are here again!!

Jenny said...

love the pic of brayden!!

Mindy said...

Sorry that you have all been so sick! That is a bummer! I am glad you're all feeling better, how is the pregnancy? Have you found out yet? I have been thinking about you guys, Wendy and I were just talking yesterday about coming out there to visit you when the kids get out of school, maybe in June. What do you think?